With affiliated programs, your financial aid will carry over and credits will transfer back to Lawrence.

If you have any questions on the programs below, please contact OffCampusPrograms@lawrence.edu or request an appointment.

Taiwan (G)

Taiwan -

Tags: Chinese and Japanese, East Asian Languages & Culture, East Asian Studies


CET Taiwan combines intensive Chinese language classes with either an English-taught elective or a customized internship opportunity. Internships are offered in both Chinese and English-speaking environments. Students will live with Taiwanese roommates in Taipei for a fully immersive experience that balances life in the city with quick access to nature.

Satisfies Requirement(s):

GER Global Diversity


No prerequisites are listed for this program.

For more information:

Important Details

Duration and Application Information:

Offering Duration: Semester

Direct admission is not available for this program.

Language(s) of Coursework:

Primary: Chinese
Secondary: English
Tertiary: Taiwanese

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