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If you have any questions on the programs below, please contact OffCampusPrograms@lawrence.edu or request an appointment.

College Year in Athens

Greece -

Tags: Anthropology, Art History, Classics, Global Studies, History, International Studies, Philosophy


The College Year in Athens offers courses in English focusing on Ancient Greece but also offers many classes on pre-historic, classical, post-classical, Byzantine, and modern Greece. In addition to offering courses useful to classics majors, the CYA curriculum includes offerings that would interest students of art history, archaeology, and Near East culture and history. All courses make full use of the resources available in Athens, with many of the classes conducted wholly or in part in museums or at historic sites. CYA regularly draws on the broad range of European and U.S. scholars pursuing research in Athens to offer lectures and colloquia at the CYA facility.


No previous language study required.

For more information:

Important Details

Duration and Application Information:

Offering Duration: Summer, Year, Semester
Offering Note: Summer program dates usually do not conflict with Lawrence term dates. Please confirm that dates work with the Lawrence calendar before applying to the summer session.

Direct admission is not available for this program.

Language(s) of Coursework:

Primary: English
Secondary: Latin
Tertiary: Greek

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