Benjamin C. Campbell

Ben Campbell family photo
Campus Address
1025 E. South River Street
Room 103
Alumni and Constituency Engagement
Director of Alumni Engagement & Giving

As the Director of 50th Reunion Programs, I have the pleasure of partnering with a passionate volunteer group as they reconnect with classmates, plan meaningful events for their celebration, and encourage philanthropic support to Lawrence in honor of their special and important milestone. I also have the opportunity to travel and meet with alumni to share Lawrence's vision and inviting them to consider the impact they can have on our students through their generous philanthropy.

Favorite spot on campus

As an alumnus of Lawrence, I have many favorite spots on our beautiful campus but two definitely stand out. The Memorial Chapel stage where I performed with my fellow Conservatory musicians, along with the opportunity to witness amazing guest artist concerts and Convocation speakers. The second and the most special to me is where the fountain stands between the Mudd Library and the Wriston Art Center as it is the place where I proposed to my wife who is also an alumna of Lawrence.

澳门六合彩开奖结果, BM, Music Education (instrumental), 1997
Years at Lawrence