Voice Studio Placement Auditions, 2024-2025

From Steven Paul Spears, Chair of the Voice Department

Welcome to you! We in the Voice Department look forward to sharing the road on your music-making studies at Lawrence!

Here is the process for voice studio placement. Make sure to read thoroughly. Any questions can be directed to me (steven.spears@lawrence.edu).

All entering Bachelor of Music degree seeking students with voice as their primary instrument should plan to sing a studio placement audition during Welcome Week. You have already been admitted, of course. However, it has been a long time since we’ve heard you, and some of you we haven’t heard in person – only recordings. This is our opportunity to hear you live and after the many months since we did last hear you and settle with whom you will study in your time at Lawrence.

For your audition, please prepare from memory one song or aria of your choice. Remember to bring an easily readable copy of your score for the collaborative pianist accompanying your audition.

All Bachelor of Arts students who are music majors looking to take voice lessons for any term during 2024-2025 should either: A) plan to schedule a studio placement audition during New Student Week Orientation; or B) reach out to steven.spears@lawrence.edu to schedule a one-on-one brief meeting.

If choosing Option A: for your audition, please prepare from memory one song or aria of your choice. Remember to bring an easily readable copy of your score for the collaborative pianist accompanying your audition.

If choosing Option B: we’ll set up a time and chat, as well as vocalize. If you have a song or aria you’d like to sing, we’ll also do that. Ideally, this will be during New Student Week, but we can also do this at a time that is mutually convenient for both of us.

Studio Requests

Those who have good reason to request a particular studio teacher (typically based on a teacher recommendation, alumni connection, or personal knowledge of a teacher’s work) may do so with a request sent by email to the chair of the voice department (steven.spears@lawrence.edu) and to the requested teacher no later than the morning of placement auditions. While we cannot guarantee placement, we make every effort to honor studio requests. Please note that a studio request does not exempt you from a studio placement audition.

Happily, whether you select one of us, or we select you, most students establish a healthy and productive relationship with their new teacher here. If the relationship is not sufficiently productive, we will work with you to facilitate a change. Our collective goal is for you to develop and grow as a singer.


Make sure to ask your advisor if you are expected to follow up on any of the following placement opportunities:
Choir Auditions
Music Theory
Keyboard Skills

If you have other questions, don't hesitate to write to me at: steven.spears@lawrence.edu

Steven Paul Spears
Chair, Voice Department
Associate Professor of Music
     Voice, Vocal Literature, and English, Italian & French Dictions
Lawrence Conservatory
Pronouns: he/they
